milano, mercoledì 21 novembre 2012

Paola G. Lunghini e
Intervista a Giovanni Zavagli, Presidente AICI
Intervista a Tatiana Milone, architetto
A "I GIGLI" di Firenze il primo Sportello di Confconsumatori in un centro commerciale
Châtillon, il “Castello Gamba” apre al pubblico con arte moderna e contemporanea
Da FS, Borse di Studio per 64 mila euro per la nuova edizione del Master di II livello in Ingegneria delle Infrastrutture e dei Sistemi Ferroviari a Roma
La libera circolazione dei diritti edificatori  
EXPO 2015, salvate gli spazi vuoti. A cura di Paolo Pileri (DIAP- Politecnico di Milano), Edizioni Electa  
Una vita in gioco, di Mauro Castelli, Gruppo Sole 24 Ore, Euro 25,00.  


E’ in distribuzione Economia Immobiliare n° 43, primo semestre 2012


"La Fiera "RealVienna" a Vienna

dal 27 al 29 maggio 2008

Ho fatto un salto, il 28 maggio, a Vienna - per la terza edizione della Fiera immobiliare "RealVienna", che si è svolta dal 27 al 29 maggio. E' stata un'esperienza molto gradevole (era per me la prima volta) e interessante.

Non vasta - penso circa 5 mila metri quadri di superficie espositiva - ma ben affollata (la previsione degli organizzatori era di circa 8-9 mila partecipanti, e le note conclusive qui sotto superano la stima) , RealVienna ha offerto un panorama of course esaustivo sul mercato della regione austriaca e tedesca, con diversi espositori di nome illustre; e un "ponte" verso la mitteleuropa immobiliare, giungendo sino all'Ucraina e alla Russia (presnete con 37 enti e società exhibitors).

Bello lo Stand di Unicredit, dove però parlavano tutti tedesco: non scordiamoci che il Gruppo ha una presenza forte nel Paese, con Bank of Austria.

Una quarantina i Convegni organizzati durante la manifestazione su temi di attualità, tutti con simultanea in inglese.

Massiccia la quantità di pubblicazioni immobiliari, in particolare dai Paesi dell'Est.

Molta animazione (leggi cocktail parties) soprattutto nel pomeriggio.

Italiani. Ho incontrato alcuni operatori di provenienza veneto-altoatesina e, con Stand "targato" Germania , gli amici di REAG: Roberto Busso, Alessandro Clerici e la solare Blanshe Ugrcic.

La prossima edizione di RealVienna si terrà dal 7 al 9 maggio 2009.

Paola G. Lunghini

NOTA: Ecco il Comunicato conclusivo della manifestazione:

"The show recorded an increase of 31% in terms of exhibitors compared to the previous year and a rise in the total number of participants of 27% up to exactly 9,808. The Real Vienna 2008 lasted three days (27th - 29th May) and closed with some truly remarkable results. Commenting on the fair Reed Exhibitions Messe Wien's manager responsible for new business, Matthias Limbeck (Dipl.Ing.) stated, 'The third edition of the Real Vienna was an immense success. The Real Vienna<has now permanently established its position as the platform for commercial real estate and investment in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. The concept and the direction have proven themselves well. There is still great demand for industrial and commercial property, as well as for residential, individual and integrated all-round projects. The Real Vienna offers everything under one roof'. New Business Group Manager Michael Mandl (Mag.) added, 'Since the launch in 2006 the number of exhibitors has increased by 65% and overall participation has risen by 78%. In 2006 we registered 198 exhibitors; this year there were 326. The first ever Real Vienna attracted 5,500 participants, the third 9,800'.
Vienna's head councillor for municipal planning, Rudolf Schicker (Dipl.Ing.), was full of praise. 'For me the success of this year's Real Vienna proves that Vienna has become the hub of the real estate sector for central and eastern European countries; for cities and regions, and above all for businesses. The constant increase in the numbers of Turkish representatives is a particularly pleasing aspect. In cooperation with Renate Brauner (Mag.), deputy mayor and Vienna councillor for finances, we intend to ensure Reed Exhibitions Messe Wien has the support of the City of Vienna next year too to guarantee the Real Vienna even more success'.

27 nations at one venue - in particular the CEE/SEE countries
The Real Vienna 2008 welcomed a total of 326 exhibitors from 27 countries. Two thirds of them came to Messe Wien from outside Austria. The largest number, 37 exhibitors, came from Russia, followed by Poland, the Czech Republic, Romania and Ukraine. Of those participating, every second person came from outside Austria, mostly from the featured countries of the CEE/SEE regions. The largest number of foreign participants came from Germany, followed by a solid phalanx of Eastern and Southern European countries led by the Czech Republic, then Russia, Hungary, Romania, Poland, Slovakia, Serbia, Ukraine, Bulgaria and Croatia. 'As can be seen, the core countries for the Real Vienna are represented in sufficient depth for the sector. A veritable bull's-eye, so to speak', remarked a buoyant Matthias Limbeck.

Real Vienna< mobilises top executives in the sector
'The majority of participants at the Real Vienna are executives within their companies', added Reed's exhibition manager, Günter Theuermann (Mag.), based on the visitor poll data gathered by the independent Linz market institute. 92% of the participants at the Real Vienna<make executive decisions, share executive responsibilities or hold an influential advisory capacity. This research also showed that two thirds of the participants at the Real Vienna spent two or even three days at the show. 'No other trade fair has achieved a result like this', Theuermann remarked. The expo manager and his team were also delighted by the first class feedback on the event: 91% of those polled were very pleased with the overall show. The same percentage said they would like to return to the event in 2009.

Excellent side events
This extraordinary response was clearly also influenced by the excellent quality of the side events. Of the numerous points on the programme, this also included 44 expert rounds of discussions known as 'property talks', organised by GEWINN publishers in cooperation with Reed Exhibitions Messe Wien. The events were very well attended and all the seating at the three stages was completely filled. Dr. Georg Wailand, head of GEWINN publishers, stated, 'The appearance of over 200 top experts, politicians and business people provided impressive evidence for the degree of internationality exhibited by the Real Vienna. The show offered all the very latest information and countless valuable business contacts. The three stages have become a focal point for the exchange of expertise and knowledge within the international real estate sector. Immense interest was also shown in issues such as shopping centre development in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, in numerous other projects introduced such as hotels and leisure facilities, and in the boom economies such as in Russia, Romania and Ukraine'. Participators praised both the quality of the information available and range and depth of issues covered for each country, especially in terms of the 'new emerging markets' in Central and Eastern Europe. A further success was recorded by the Hotel & Tourism Day organised by PKF hotel experts Michael and Partner on the 28th of May which placed great emphasis upon issues such as the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi and the related opportunities for development in the region.

Waterfront Symposium: A real crowd puller
The Waterfront Innovations Symposium was also one of the featured side events at the Real Vienna on Thursday the 29th of May, at which Austrian and foreign architects, city planners and developers all presented the latest developments and trends experienced at various waterfronts, rivers and embankment projects. Around 100 architects and planners attended and heard experts such as Boris Podrecca (architect and professor at the University of Stuttgart) and Alex Krieger (city planner, architect and professor at Harvard Graduate School of Design). These two well-known experts explained the current situations in Europe, the USA and Asia.

Networking in an easy-going atmosphere
Alongside the 'Property Talks' there were also two perfectly organised and well attended evening networking events. On Tuesday evening the 27th of May the organisers, Reed Exhibitions Messe Wien, and the City of Vienna, ECE Projektmanagement G.m.b.H. & Co. KG, CHSH-Cerha Hempel Spiegelfeld Hlawati all cooperated to stage the 'Top Executive Evening' in the Kursalon in Vienna's Stadtpark. Around 600 people participated on what was a relaxed and enjoyable early summer evening. On the evening of Wednesday the 28th of May about 1,000 exhibitors spent a summery evening together outdoors at the Vienna Marina. Reed Exhibitions Messe Wien, Immoeast AG and CPB Immobilientreuhand GmbH staged a gripping evening of socialising including speedboat rides up and down the Danube. The overall Real Viennaparticipant package is complemented by a number of additional services. Austrian Airlines are the official carriers for the Real Vienna and were represented at the show with their own desk. The VIP shuttle was provided by SAAB as sponsors.

Strong economy - great prospects for the >Real Vienna 2009<
Despite the many prophecies of doom the mood within the market is good. The visitor poll confirmed the existence of a boom in this sector; particularly in central, eastern and south-eastern Europe. Almost nine out of ten of those polled claimed to be very pleased with the current situation and expect a continuation of the positive development within the market for the foreseeable future; so the signs are good for the preparation phase for the fourth edition of the >Real Vienna<. The dates have been set for the 5th - 7th May 2009 and scheduled to hook up at the same venue with the >VIENNAFAIR<, a contemporary art fair with a similarly strong focus on art from the CEE/SEE regions. (NB: 7th - 10th May 2009, Messe Wien).

Metropolis Awards: Submissions start September 2009

One feature of the Real Vienna has already been arranged; the Metropolis Awards are to be made at the show for the first time in 2009. Both the name and concept for the awards were inspired by the world famous 1930s film classic. Prizes are to be awarded in six categories for extraordinary development projects: Sustainable Development, Shopping Centre Development, Hotel / Tourism Development, Waterfront Development, Mixed Use Development and Office Development. Entry is limited to projects to be, or having been, implemented in CEE/SEE regions. For more information - go to




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