Francia, kick-off per “e-Valley” di BT Immo, una delle maggiori piattaforme logistiche europee per e-commerce & hybrid business

A new milestone has just been reached for BT Immo, promoter of the e-Valley project, concerning the conversion of the former site of the 103 air base in Cambrai.

For the first time in Europe, with more than 700,000 sqm of warehouses on 355 hectares, the creation of a real ecosystem entirely dedicated to e-commerce and hybrid business will see the light of day and make e-Valley the French pioneer in this field: more than just a storage space for e-merchants and e-logisticians, it will also offer an unequaled level of services.

The storage area will be upgradeable according to needs thanks to an adjustable “cell” system (from 6,000 to 700,000 sqm).

The “everything on the spot”: subcontractors, packaging, transport, repair workshops, fuel, a hotel, restaurants, shared or booked offices, an auditorium … Everything will be done to guarantee the players on the site, that they will benefit from the most powerful new generation e-logistic parks fully connected.

E-Valley’s objective is to support the strong growth of e-commerce and offer its various stakeholders, an exceptional logistics tool adapted to their activities.
Located in the Hauts-de-France region, the leading European consumption basin with 78 million consumers within a radius of 300 kilometers, close to major cities and European ports, its geographic location is optimal.The e-Valley project will benefit from an exceptional environment open to the world thanks to a vast network of infractures (highways, airports, commercial ports, the Canal Seine-North and railways).

  • 1 hour from Lille, 2 hours from Paris by the A1
  • 1h30 from Brussels, 3 hours from Cologne by the A2
  • 1h30 from Calais by the A26,
  • 2 hours from Antwerp I’A2

e-Valley will offer accessibility to all means of transport:

  • rail
  • roads
  • the drones
  • and the river through the Canal Seine-Nord Europe which will link the Oise to Dunkerque Escaut canal, from Compiègne to Aubencheul-au-Bac, near Cambrai. It will enable to welcome pushed units 185 on 11.40 meters, which can contain the equivalent of 200 trucks.

The ambition to train and hire the local workforce is essential for e-Valley.

Due to its scale and design, e-Valley will create more than 1,500 job opportunities in a fast-growing e-commerce field with growth business.

Substantial resources to facilitate recruitment, training and conversion will be set up:

  • A training center for the e-commerce and logistics trades
  • CAT (Sheltered workplace)
  • Offices on Pôle Emploi and Proch’emploi sites (the made to measure package created by the Region to link Hauts-de-France jobseekers and employers).

The question of sustainable development is not outdone. The choice of reducing the ecological footprint is clear with: shared buildings and services, waste recycling, environmentally friendly vehicles, LED lighting and the production of e-Valley honey with the setting-up of hives on the roofs warehouses.

The next steps:

  • Launch of the works (2019)
  • Delivery of the first warehouses: 3rd quarter of 2020


E-Valley, this major project could not see the light of day without the work done throughout the project with the State services of the departments of Nord and Pas-de-Calais and the unfailling support of:

  • the President of the Region and all the services attached to these directions
  • of all the mayors of the towns of Marquion, Cambrai, Epinoy, Haynecourt, Sauchy-Lestree, Sancourt and Raillencourt Saint-Olle and their inhabitants



For almost twenty years,BT IMMO GROUP is a solid group of private investors. The group operates on all types of real estate developments, both commercial and residential. It invests in short, medium and long term projects. BT IMMO GROUP is not only a demanding asset manager, it is also a real partner of the public authorities.

BT IMMO GROUP has developed a competence in multiple sectors, it intends to support its dynamism and know-how by pursuingand by reinforcing a rigorous, qualitative growth by participating in its scale to the better living of tomorrow.

Source : Company