Prelios approva il bilancio 2017, e conferma il delisiting


-2017 market targets beaten

-Improvement in key business and financial indicators

-Consolidated EBIT  improves (+72%) to € 6.9 million (€ 4.1 million in2016)

-Consolidated revenues up to € 80.4 million (€ 76.8 million3 in 2016)


-Consolidated net loss of € 33.8 million (loss of € 29.8 million in 2016),

– net of the Investments arm net profit of € 2.6 million (net loss of € 11.1 million 2016)

-Net Financial Position reflects liquidity of € 1.3 million

(debt of € 6.5 million at December 31,2016)


Mandatory global public tender offer on Prelios S.p.A. shares by Lavaredo S.p.A.

after exceeding the 95% threshold required for exercise of the squeeze-out.

Prelios will be delisted with Lavaredo S.p.A. as sole shareholder.


Source :  Company