Tutto  esaurito per la  Conferenza  annuale  d’  autunno  di  INREV,  il 20 e  21 novembre ad Amsterdam

Ecco come l’  associazione  europea  dei veicoli  d’  investimento  non quotati  ( per l’ Italia ne fanno parte Generali Real Estate , la Cassa Nazionale di Previdenza Forense e alcune SGR  )  presenta in sintesi  il Programma dei lavori :

“Our keynote speaker is Bjørn Lomborg, author and president of the think tank Copenhagen Consensus Center, who will present on identifying effective solutions for global change. Attendees can also look forward to a thought-provoking presentation on the global macroeconomic outlook by Edin Mujagić from OHV Vermogensbeheer. Followed by a presentation on repricing and refinancing by Brian Klinksiek from LaSalle.

Other presentations include the impact of changing pension schemes on real estate allocations by Louise Farrand of DC Investment Forum; the impact of AI on our society Elin Hauge, AI and Business Strategistand how to build a more diverse industry by Aimée Massey from Future Act Diversity. 

Source : INREV