Commerz Real compera 368 micro-appartamenti a Darmstadt , in Germania

Commerz Real Capital Management Company (Kapitalverwaltungsgesellschaft, KVG) has purchased a micro-apartment complex that is to be…

Ingka Centres ( già IKEA Centres ) al MAPIC di Cannes :« Investiremo €7.3bn per l’ upgrade del nostro business»

Ingka Centres €7.3bn investment to transform its business remains firmly on track. Last year it announced…

Tutte le news europee di NEINVER al MAPIC di Cannes . In via conclusiva anche il refurbishment da 9 milioni di euro di “Vicolungo The Style Outlets”

In occasione del salone internazionale dell’immobiliare commerciale (MAPIC), NEINVER, società di investimento, sviluppo e gestione tra…

Radisson Hotel Group apre il suo primo hotel a Casablanca

Radisson Blu, the upper upscale hotel brand that delivers a purposeful and personalized service in atmospheric…

La quotata tedesca LEG acquisisce un portfolio di circa 2.200 appartamenti a Bremen e Bassa Sassonia, in Germania

The housing company LEG is acquiring a portfolio of around 2,200 residential units and 30 commercial…

Commerz Real riposiziona “Tulipan House” a Varsavia

Commerz Real has repositioned the Warsaw office property Tulipan House in line with modern work concepts.…

Cofinimmo completa la vendita dell’ office building “Souverain/Vorst 23/25” a Bruxelles

Cofinimmo signed the notary deed relating to the disposal of the Souverain/Vorst 23/25 office building, located…

Hines France conclude una affittanza da 4 mila mq nel “Workstation” building presso La Défense

Hines, the international real estate firm, acting in its capacity as Asset Manager for Skywalk, a…

La tedesca PATRIZIA fa shopping a L’Aia

PATRIZIA AG, the global partner for pan-European real estate investment, announces that it has acquired nine…

IMMOBEL contribuisce allo sviluppo urbano del Lussemburgo

Immobel transferred to Real I.S., a German real estate investment company, the capital of the INFINITY…

AEW compera tre retail asset a Valencia, Spagna

AEW announces the acquisition of three retail units located in the Bonaire retail park in Valencia,…

Germania, la famiglia Otto ( ECE ) acquisisce una partecipazione nel Gruppo Ruby Hotels

The Otto family has acquired a 25% share in the Ruby Hotel group. The acquisition has…

Commerz Real vende a Caleus e GIC l’ Hotel de Rome a Berlino

In an off-market transaction Commerz Real has sold Hotel de Rome in Berlin to Caleus Capital…

BMO REP acquisisce per €65 mn due “prime high street assets” a Milano e uno a Copenhagen

BMO Real Estate Partners (BMO REP), the pan-European property investment and asset management specialist that is…

Nuveen Real Estate acquisisce un centro logistico a Brema per la sua piattaforma logistica europea

Nuveen Real Estate ha acquisito un centro logistico nell’area metropolitana a sud di Brema , in…

La britannica Target Healthcare acquisisce quattro “care homes” e 31 “retirement apartments” per un totale di £81.3 mn

Target Healthcare ,the UK listed specialist investor in modern, purpose-built care homes, announces that it has…